Is A Family Law Attorney Really Required In A Divorce?
A divorce obviously represents a major change in a relationship. Most of the interests of the parties, once unified, are now being split apart. Divorce is a new experience for most; it involves many changes, it’s disrupting, and it’s challenging. Given all of the issues that need to be addressed and the highly emotionally charged atmosphere, the situation can degenerate quickly into a nasty, difficult state of affairs.
Many myths abound as to outcomes of a divorce… these myths can contribute to hard feelings and harmful actions.
Bottom line, you need to protect your rights. And, if you have children, you especially need to protect both your rights and the rights of your children.
And, quite simply, for most the best way to protect your rights is representation by a qualified family law lawyer.
Skillful Divorce Legal Representation
It is crucial that you have skillful legal representation as soon as possible after you decide to divorce. It is important to know your rights… and your obligations.
It is critical that obligations are fulfilled at the time of the separation of the parties. Temporary agreements should usually be established immediately that deal with issues such as child custody, spousal support, maintenance, property division, visitation, parenting rights, and child custody. Initially, these agreements are designed to be temporary and to put each party in the best position possible while the divorce negotiations occur.
While your marriage is being terminated, if there are children the family relationship must continue. There is an opportunity to establish a good working relationship with your soon-to-be ex-spouse that demonstrates your commitment to be as helpful as possible as you each establish new homes and adjust to new realities.
A Skillful Family Law Attorney Can Save Time, Money & Reduce Stress
A divorce can take up to a year or more, depending on how quickly the issues can be solved by the parties.
Each of you can make the other’s life miserable over ongoing disputes over custody, visitation, money issues, and whatnot. It’s in the best interest of parties and the children to get the best legal advice possible in the beginning so that one party doesn’t have to go to court to get temporary relief which could have been negotiated.