Many individuals are convinced they can beat the system. They try to find the best casinos online. They’ll try everything, even if they don’t succeed in getting caught, and eventually are banned from the internet for their actions Online casino malaysia.
When we look back to the brick and mortar casinos of yesteryear, there were some players who beat them for a short time. They have a place in casino legends. Las Vegas was home to one such tale, and it was told by the MIT card-counting team.
This is an amazing story, as beating the odds of any popular casino game (in this case Casinos) takes special skills, extensive training, and patience. Enter the MIT group, a group consisting of university students who were obviously very intelligent and ambitious. They were able to count cards with incredible accuracy because of their science and math IQs.
These students played poker and other casino slots for fun in the 1980’s. It wasn’t long before they decided to challenge the casino and see just how smart their brains were. Finally, a former MIT professor gathered a group to test their abilities. After carefully weeding the weaker ones, he was able to form a group of students that were proficient at counting cards. The professor gave them instruction on how to control their emotions and use non-verbal cues as well to beat casino players.
It was during these 1990’s when the team had their best performance. They would spend thousands of dollars on each hand. As you all know, the casinos love the big spenders. These well-known casinos had no idea what was happening. Although no official number has been released, it is believed that the winning team took millions from the casinos. They would play card counting tricks on weekends, then return Monday to school and behave like regular students.
The casino was not the one that was catching up on the MIT team. They caught up with their own egos and soon their death would follow. The money, the VIP status and the free trips went straight to their heads. This is quite normal for a group consisting of children. They began to be noticed by the casino security team. One of their errors was the habit of making friends. The casinos started to notice the team hanging around more than they should.
The team was eventually removed from the casinos.
You can watch their fast-paced adventures in “21”, a movie. It stars Kevin Spacey and Kate Bosworth as the professors and one of the MIT card count team members. For the real group, it wasn’t over. They did attempt to change their identities and return to the tables but casino security was way too smart. Rumors abound that several of the team members could still be playing in European casino today. Perhaps they learned from their mistakes now and are making big bucks.